CG Artists Toolkit (Maya Tutorials)
Film Reviews
Reflective Statement
I have rather enjoyed the film reviews and maya tutorials so far, especially the modelling of the character and the pose animation. I liked the modelling because I feel like I'm starting to understand what must be done to create a good model. The Pose animation for me was VERY enjoyable, I felt like I grasped the concept of it quite quickly, I tried not to rush in to it by adding loads of keyframes but simply added them when I felt that the pose needed them which I think helped me to create quite a dynamic and fun pose animation which I was proud of.
I feel that both of the tutorials have helped me to understand how characters work, especially within my character designs. The film reviews have also be fun to do as choosing a film I enjoy as opposed to one I don't, which helps a lot when writing as I feel more engaged with what I am talking about which makes for what I feel more interesting writing. Overall I feel like the skills I developed with writing in year one have helped me gain the confidence to be able to write about my own films easier which is the same for the tutorials, there were times in the first year tutorials where I found myself quite lost but this year I feel I have understood what needs to be done with specific elements in maya.
I feel that both of the tutorials have helped me to understand how characters work, especially within my character designs. The film reviews have also be fun to do as choosing a film I enjoy as opposed to one I don't, which helps a lot when writing as I feel more engaged with what I am talking about which makes for what I feel more interesting writing. Overall I feel like the skills I developed with writing in year one have helped me gain the confidence to be able to write about my own films easier which is the same for the tutorials, there were times in the first year tutorials where I found myself quite lost but this year I feel I have understood what needs to be done with specific elements in maya.
Hi Tom. Can you beef up that reflective statement a little. Its very brief.